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Why is Cost Per Click in Africa Low for Google AdSense and Possible Solution

  Why is cost per click in Africa low for Google AdSense and possible solution

Picture contains text on Google " why the low CPC in Africa+solution

Many bloggers in African countries including Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Congo etc, usually experience a problem of low cost per click for Google AdSense. In this article, we will try to look at the main reasons for low cost per click in Africa for Google AdSense.

It can be really frustrating for many bloggers in African Countries who experience low CPC on Google AdSense.

Many bloggers in Africa get their cost per click (CPC) in Google AdSense as low as 0.02$.

Averagely, most bloggers in Africa get CPC of about 0.05$.

Presently, following some research that I did from many different bloggers, it is evident that it is a general problem.

However, this does not means that you can't have a CPC of 1$ in Africa. Keep on reading. We will show you how you can solve this problem below.

It is interesting to know that not all bloggers in Africa get cost per click for Google AdSense as low as 0.02$. Other bloggers in Africa get CPC of 0.14$ or more (even up to 1$+ per click) we will look at some reasons below.

Also, many bloggers in Africa compare their cost per click (CPC) with that of other European countries like the USA with an Average cost per click of 1$.

When you try to compare 0.02$ for CPC for African countries to 1$ for CPC for other European countries, it can be really frustrating.

I know right. It's a very big difference.

You might even want to start thinking that Google AdSense is Favouring other European countries and Leaving Africa behind.

However, it's not like that.

Google's algorithm works same for all countries.

The main problem for low cost per click in Google AdSense depends on some internal factors for the countries involved, which in this case, we are talking about a whole continent; AFRICA.

Without wasting much time, let us look at the main reasons of low cost per click in Africa and also see how we can solve these issues.

Once that is done, you can start getting higher cost per click and start earning more blogging in Africa.

We will first look at the reasons for low CPC in Africa. After that, we will look at a solution for each cause.

Why does Africa have low cost per click.

We will look at 3 main reasons for low CPC in Africa. They include

  1. Advertisers
  2. Currency
  3. Content.

However, I am sure we have heard much about content already. So we will just look at the first two reasons.

1. Advertisers as a cause of low CPC 

According to the long research that I carried out, I discovered that advertisers are the main cost why bloggers have low cost per click with Google AdSense in Africa.

Who are advertisers.

An advertiser is a person (business person, single person, company etc) who is trying to make his products or goods or other services known by other people.

You might be wondering what advertisers have got to do with low cost per click in African. We will look at that.

Going a little bit back to the roots, let us understand the meaning of cost per click.

What is cost per click.

According to Google AdSense, cost per click is money paid when one person clicks an ad.

To make this more clear, cost per click (CPC) is the money you earn when one person clicks on your ad. So if you have a CPC of 1$, it means when 2 people click on your ad, you get 2$.

How is this related to low cost per click in Africa?.

Let us look at where Google takes the money from to pay the publishers.

Advertisers create ad campaigns so that their ads are displayed on your blogs and websites.

How much Google pays you per click depends on how much the advertisers were willing to pay per click.

Let us look at a simple example.

Imagine that an advertiser in Africa creates an ad campaign on Google.

That advertiser tells Google that:
 ok Google, I want to create this ad campaign. I will pay you 20$ for this ad campaign and I want this ad to reach 500-1000 people. I also want to pay 0.02 for each engagement on the ad.

That is just how the problem of advertisers in Africa cause a low cost per click (CPC).

That advertiser pays 0.02 for a CPC. Imagine that the ad was displayed on your website or blog. That means you would get 0.02$ when someone clicks on your ad.

That is the main cause for low cost per click in Africa.

Comparing the above to that of America, the same advertiser trying to advertise the same thing can tell Google:
Ok Google, I want to create this ad campaign to reach 100-200 people. I will pay 1$ for every engagement.

Can you see the difference? If you have that type of ad and someone clicks on it, you Will get 1$ as CPC. Not bad right?.

So, after my research, I discovered that the main cause of low cost per click in Africa is the advertisers in Africa paying low for CPC.

If you think otherwise, you might consider putting a comment below for what you think is the main cost of low CPC.

Let us now look at the second reason for low CPC in African countries.

Currency as a factor of low CPC in Africa

Another cause for low CPC in most African countries is the currency of the countries.

How does currency affect cost per click.

As we all know, the currency for most African countries is very low as compared to that of other European countries.

Let us look at a typical example of how currency affects CPC.

Let us use Cameroon and an example.
1 USD is equal to 600 frs.

Imagine an advertiser in the USA is willing to pay 100 USD for an ad campaign.

According to the advertiser in USA, 100$ is just small money.

However, in Frs (Cameroon currency) that will be very much money (50,000frs)

Very few people will afford to run campaigns on Google for that much money. Maybe only some bigger companies can run ads campaigns for that amount.

When you look at few African countries like South Africa, they have relatively a higher currency. That is why they get average CPC of about 0.50$

So when you try to look at the relationship, you understand that currency has a great role to play in low CPC in African countries.

However, there are still many ways to get CPC of even 5$+ in Africa.

Therefore, we will look at just the main way.

See also: 11 ways to increase cost per click

How to increase CPC in African countries.

The main way from my research to increase cost per click in African countries is by changing your audience location.

Imagine that you change your audience location to a country with higher cost per click say 2$ CPC.

That will be very much money for you to become a millionaire in less than a month in Africa.

So after all, you should start considering changing your audience location to countries with higher CPC.
See also : Highest paying CPC countries

Don't forget to leave your comments below on other ways to increase CPC in African countries.

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