How long it takes to travel by plane or Car from Cameroon to America is a question in our minds which needs an answer. If you are planning on traveling from Cameroon to USA, Then it is important that you know how long it will take just to prepare your mind and also for other reasons. Here is a brief analysis which gives you all the information you need to know about the distance between Cameroon and America (USA) and also the time it takes to travel from USA to Cameroon or vice versa
Flight route: 11,381.97 km (13h 53min)
The flight distance between the nearest airports Cameroon (NGE) and USA (RSL) is 11,381.97 km. This corresponds to an approximate flight time of 13h 53min.
Bearing: 312.81° (NW)
The initial bearing on the course from Cameroon to USA is 312.81° and the compass direction is NW.
Midpoint: 36.221,-32.44568
The geographic midpoint between Cameroon and USA is in 5,670.16 km distance between both points in a bearing of 312.81°.
Distance: 11,340.32 km
The shortest distance (air line) between Cameroon and USA is 11,340.32 km
Driving route:
It is not possible to drive from Cameroon to Usa
Time difference: -7h
The time difference between Cameroon (Africa/Douala) and USA (America/Chicago) is -7 hours. This means that it is now 18:50 (23.02.2020) in Cameroon and 11:50 (23.02.2020) in USA.