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How Long Does It Take A Plane To Travel Over Cameroon

Cars, buses and others transport agents can takes days to travel pass Cameroon.
Planes can take relatively a smaller time to travel over Cameroon.
Typically, planes travel at about 575 mph (miles per hours). SOURCE
That's really fast.
We Also know that the length of Cameroon is about 1400 km SOURCE

now using simply mathematics, we can calculate approximately how long it takes for a plane to travel over Cameroon.

Collection of data

Longest length of Cameroon = 1400 km 
1400 km = 1400000 m

average speed of planes = 575 mph 
575 mph = 257.048 mps (meters per second)
From the simply relation Distance = speed * time, time = distance/speed.

                    1400000 m
  TIME =   ___________    = 5446 SECONDS
                    257.048 mps

 5446 SECONDS = 90.7666 MINUTES
That is approximately an hour.

So from our calculations, a plane traveling at a speed of 575 mph over Cameroon takes a time of 1 hour to cross over.
This is applicable only if 
  1. The plane is traveling at 575 mph 
  2. Traveling through the longest distance of Cameroon (Lake Chad, about 1400 km from the southern border with Gabon)
  3. maintains the speed for the whole journey
  4. traveling in a straight line
