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 Steps for Better Concentration❗️

 how can i concentrate in studies?


Here are my 5 tricks to help you concentrate better:
1 Spend 2 minutes meditating to get into a calm, grounded mindset. Set a timer⏰ in a quiet place, and spend the time focusing on breathing in and out. Literally visualise yourself breathing out your distractions.

2 Use the next 15 minutes to plan out what you will study today. Be realistic, and split up goals into manageable sections.

3 Now that you have a plan, prepare the study materials you'll need.

4 Find a quiet place to study.

5 The biggest distraction from study is a smart phone. It's important to put your 📵phone out of sight

6 Set an alarm ⏰to study for 40 minutes, then take a 10 minute break. Experiment with the chunk of time that works best for you.

7 Figure out the time of day you study best and always use that time to study.

8 Do not sacrifice sleep💤 - it's the best brain food.

Focus can be learned over time.

