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How to stop your phone from heating when in use in cameroon

How to stop your phone from heating when in use in cameroon

Your phone is heating up when in use. But is it happening automatically, or do you have apps running in the background that you don’t know about? Are you watching video's, or is the weather simply too hot? It’s difficult to pinpoint just why your smartphone overheats.
The device becomes slow when hot, or maybe it shuts down until it can cool. Either way, this has to stopClick here and see how to make your phone faster in less than 5 minutes

Let’s look at why your phone overheats and how you can fix it.

How to stop phone from heating up when in use. 

  1. Avoid direct sunlight to your phone
  2. Turn off apps not in use on your phone
  3. Avoid turning your screen brightness up
  4. Turn your phone to airplane mode
  5. Take your case off

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Your phone’s internal temperature is based on the temperature of its environment. If your phone gets too hot, it can experience problems like battery drain, forced shutdown, and even a total meltdown. It's also possible that your phone will not restart if it was forced to shut down due to overheating. There are a lot of reasons your phone can overheat that aren’t related to the outside high temperature, and several revolve around your battery. Do you have apps running in the background? Many apps use a lot of battery, which can drain it quickly. Thereby heating up your phone. Another issue can be how frequently you use your phone. If you’re constantly on your phone, your phone battery is working overtime, which raises your phone’s temperature. Do you like to leave your phone on the charger even after it’s reached 100%? That could also be the problem. Overcharging can cause your device to overheat.
