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Big brother Cameroon Latest updates

Hello fans of big brother Cameroon "BIGGY237". Finally we have the long awaited "big brother cameroon" called BIGGY 237
The Cameroonian version is set to begin in January 2020 

About BIGGY 237

The Managing Director of the Biggy237 concept says that the contest is meant to encourage creativity amongst young Cameroonians, expose their talents and contribute to the development of the Cameroon entertainment industry.

Time line for biggy 237

Biggy237 will begin in January 2020 and run for two months in a confidential location, organisers indicate.

prices for biggy237

The Managing Director says that winners of tasks will receive numerous prizes from sponsors.
General winners will get cash and physical (other) prizes including an all-paid trip to Dubai.

voting in biggy 237

The public will participate in the competition by voting their preferred contestants through sms.

what is Big Brother

Big Brother is a Dutch reality show competition on television created by John de Mol Jr.
It was first broadcast in the Netherlands in 1999 and later became international.
During the show, contestants referred to as Housemates live together in a specially constructed house, isolated from the outside world.
They are continuously monitored during their stay in the house by live tv cameras and personal audio microphones.
Throughout the course of the competition, they are voted out until only one remains and wins a prize.

big brother cameroon selection criteria

There is a panel assigned to select contestants based on the advertised requirements, including a 30-second video, professional pictures and a filled application form.
